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yIKjptMwjeqJgDFDg, 22.06.2013 10:45
You raise two excellent potnis, Jfcri. With regard to the first, I've never come across the word reindependent but I like it as a more accurate description for Estonia than “newly independent”. And I hope I haven't misled anybody through my use of newly independent. I do state on the very first page of the book that Estonia regained its independence in 1991, and elsewhere in the book I discuss the Tartu Peace Treaty and the 1918 1940 period of independence. You also raise good potnis about the former Soviet tag, especially vis-a-vis Denmark, et al, and the Nazi occupations that those countries (along with Estonia) suffered. But I would submit that the former Soviet description, while not nearly as relevant today, was very relevant in 1992, just a year after Estonia had emerged from two generations of Soviet occupation; the vestiges of this occupation were at that time very much apparent and, for better or worse, they contributed powerfully to the experiences I had that year.Thanks again for your insights.




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